
Getting to know the ISS

Contacting the ISS

Information events for parents, students and co.

Interesting facts about the IB and the ISS

Hello, I am Stephan Seidel and teach at the SGO. Besides the "regular" teaching of English and history, one of my tasks is the coordination of the international programme (IB Diploma Programme) at the SGO. In this field, pupils can obtain an internationally recognised diploma, i.e. the so-called "International Baccalaureate". This responsibility is very exciting for me because various attributes and characteristics of an IB student are reflected in one of my hobbies, which is equestrian sports, and can be applied to our everyday (school) life. Although a horse is known as a prey animal, one of its distinguishing features is its curiosity. All kinds of unfamiliar things are examined carefully and with curiosity. This open mindedness is also reflected in the IB learner profile. But what is even more important: both horse and rider never stop their lifelong journey of learning!  - which can be wonderfully applied to our everyday lives.


I hope to awaken and maintain this awareness and motivation in the students. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have about the international programme.


Registration procedures, brochures, dates and more


Contact the ISS. We are happy to help you and together we will answer all your questions about school life at the ISS.

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