Structure and operation of the ISS
Cost absorption for further training and certification according to international standards
Provision of additional digital teaching and learning materials
No interference in the school schedule and the educational curriculum
Programmes for international internships and projects
The " Association for the Support of the ISS at the SGO e. V." was founded in November 2018. Our members are mostly internationally operating companies and have pledged to commit more than € 3 million in the coming years. In doing so, the association does not influence the educational concept or the internal affairs of the International Baccalaureate (IB) programme in any way. The goal of the association is to promote the operation and expansion of an international programme at the SGO and to make the region of South Westphalia a more attractive business location.
Together, we enable students to participate in (international) internships as well as provide access to the International Baccalaureate without having to pay tuition fees. With short decision-making processes and in close cooperation with the school management, we continue to optimise the framework for an effective school curriculum and contribute, among other things, to the costs of further training and certification according to international standards as well as the provision of additional teaching and learning materials and media equipment for the SGO and the IB World School ISS.
"An internationally oriented education through the International Baccalaureate (IB) program aligns with our economically strong region of Südwestfalen and the future of our children. We are pleased to support and promote this."
Anika Humpert
DirectorAssociation for the Support of the ISS at the SGO e. V.